Address: | 1148 Wood Street | California, Pennsylvania 15419 |
Ordering Methods: |
Payment Methods: |
Shipping: | Shipping Charges are calculated based on your order weight & shipping location. Domestic and International orders accepted. Most orders are shipped within 72 hours of receipt, if a specific date is required please specify. | |
Return Policy: | ||
Retail: | items are exchangeable with proper authorization with the exception of chemical protection items | |
Refunds: | No returns without a sales receipt, no cash refunds. Even exchanges only, all surplus is non-refundable. Shipping on returned items is the customers responsibility. We hold the right to charge a 30% restocking fee on all items. | |
Wholesale: | all wholesale orders are returnable less a 30% restocking fee | |
Background: | CalArmy
Sources and sells Military surplus around the world. Our specialty is pallets of high quality military surplus jackets, camo, backpacks and boots.
Our Truckload sales can be delivered to your dock. Our dedicated sales staff is ready to talk business on cases, pallets and truck loads and even container loads. Tell us what you want in wholesale military surplus and we will get it for you. Be sure our next shipment of high quality military surplus comes to your dock. |